[CMake] (cmake2.8) FindOpenSSl and win32/MinGW

ctrlaltca ctrlaltca at libero.it
Tue Nov 17 11:10:02 EST 2009

I've tried to move a project (www.kvirc.net) from from cmake 2.6.4 to 
2.8 and i'm having a issue with FindOpenSSL. My os is winXP and my 
compilation environment is MinGW (with gcc 4.4.0)
FindOpenSSL was working fine for me in cmake 2.6.4, but it's not working 
anymore in cmake 2.8 (OPENSSL_FOUND always false).
I've checked differences, and it seems that my problem is related to 
this bugfix: http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=8971
Since no "crypto" lib exists under windows/mingw32, so no library is 
found for OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARIES and OPENSSL_FOUND is set to false.

Am i missing something? is this s regression? Thank you

Fabio Bas

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