[CMake] Install of library sub-project prior to building application

Richard Offer richard at whitequeen.com
Wed Jun 17 12:54:58 EDT 2009

(probably a newbie question, but google didn't show anything relevant and

I have a project that includes a third party library (Poco), and then my
application that links to it. Everything is built from a single top level
CMakeLists.txt file. Poco is includes using add_subdirectory(), the
application with include().

However I need to run the install phase of Poco before the application can
link to the library - its the install phase of Poco that copies the headers
and libraries from all its many sub-directories into the single

What's the best way of telling my application not to depend on the build of
PocoFoundaton, but the install of all of the Poco project ?

Of course there is no global Poco/install target - so I guess one solution
would be to work with the Poco team to add that target into their
CMakeLists. Are there any other approaches ?


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