[CMake] How To Copy Media Files Into Out-Of-Source Build

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Tue Jul 7 04:15:43 EDT 2009

Zitat von Marcel Loose <loose at astron.nl>:
> I'm a bit unfamiliar with Windows as a development platform. But I
> thought that Redmond touted "shortcuts" as their version of "symbolic
> links". Shortcuts exist since Windows 95.

You must differ here. Shortcuts are specially interpreted .link files  
while symbolic and hard links are features of NTFS and other modern  
file systems. They do not work on FAT file systems which was the base  
of all Windows9x versions.

On Vista and above, symlinks on NTFS volumes are possible. Hardlinks  
are even possible with earlier versions. You can use them more easily  

There, you will also find lots of details about this.


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