[CMake] Makefile regeneration on added/removed files

Naram Qashat cyberbotx at cyberbotx.com
Fri Jan 16 12:59:23 EST 2009

Is it possible to have CMake be re-run either automatically or via a Makefile 
target if files are added or removed from one of the directories that CMake has 
previously checked?  I know that checking for changed files is a job of the 
Makefile, but I am unaware if there is a way for either (g)make or CMake to 
check for files being added or removed.  If this can't be done, I will continue 
to recommend that CMake be re-run manually if files are added or removed.

Also, if the above can be done for Makefiles, could it also be done for other 
generators, like the VS project generators?

Naram Qashat

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