[CMake] CPack PackageMaker bug?

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Tue Jan 13 21:41:54 EST 2009

Because when the package is made the correct permissions are not set.  
PackageMaker is a glorified tar utility, thus what ever permissions  
are used when the package is create will be used when the installer is  
run. For example, if a developer wants his application to be installed  
in /Applications then the directory structure /Applications/ 
MyGreatApp.app/* is created in a temp location then tarred up. What  
ever permissions happens to be assigned to that temporary location  
will then basically over write the permissions when the installer is  
   And because you give your admin password when the installer is run  
you give permission to the system to change your permissions.
   This can probably be taken care of with some more cmake code in the  
installation cmake code section.
   From the looks of the 'install' command there are no facilities to  
actually change the owner:group of a file(s). Maybe that needs to be  
implemented. In the mean time a short bash script could probably be  
used to fix the owner:group of the generated package _before_ it is  
finally packaged up.

    Another reason to have a Drag-and-Drop installation for CMake. I  
guess someone should file a bug for this.

PS: I speak from experience from years ago when I ran into the same  
thing when I was creating OS X installers for my last job and making  
some sys admins very unhappy because I was hosing the permissions on  
all the OS X systems that installed my app. They all had owner/group  
of "mike:wheel" or some such nonsense.
Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio

On Jan 13, 2009, at 9:30 PM, Clinton Stimpson wrote:

> So when I install
> <http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.6/cmake-2.6.2-Darwin-universal.dmg>,
> it changes the owner and group of the /Applications folder.
> Any idea why?  I see the same thing with my own PackageMaker  
> installers.
> Clint
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