[CMake] Source file symlinks on out-of-source builds

Rodolfo Lima rodolfo at rodsoft.org
Thu Dec 3 18:47:57 EST 2009

Andreas Pakulat escreveu:
> That doesn't work good enough. CMake doesn't prohibit referencing files
> from all over the project tree, so if I update foo/CMakeLists.txt, that
> might need symlink changes over at bar/... So a complete tree-update
> is needed unless CMake wants to keep track of the "last" version of the
> cmake files and then using the diff between last and current trying to
> find out which files where added/remove. And that is quite a lot of work
> to implement. 

I see, thanks for the explanation. Since my own projects aren't that
complicated, I guess I'll try to write a cmake macro that tries to
accomplish what I want and see how it goes. At least it will work on
simpler (but common enough) cases.

> This isn't as easy as doing a cp -rl <srcdir>/* <builddir>/...


Rodolfo Lima.

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