[CMake] CPack Error: Not enough items on list: CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS

Karl Reite Karl.J.Reite at sintef.no
Thu Aug 13 08:50:39 EDT 2009

My problem is that I can not get CPack to create an installer for my project. I have done this before with success, but this time I can not figure out the problem. 
I work in Visual Studio 2005 SP1. The project compiles without errors. When i try to build the "PACKAGE" project (this calls CPack), I get the error:

CPack Error: Not enough items on list: CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS. CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS should hold quadruplet of install directory, install project name, install component, and install subdirectory.

I have tried to remove all install commands and CPack commands except "INCLUDE(CPack)", but still the same error. I notice that the file CPackConfig.cmake contains the line: 
SET(CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS "C:/_work/_SSR/IPR/projects/!Demo/build/dynamicvis;;ALL;/")

But the file CpackSourceConfig.cmake contains the coresponding line 

I am hoping someone may have a clue to what is causing this.


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