[CMake] Analyze file dependencies in Visual Studio for project generatedby CMake

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Wed Apr 22 06:21:02 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I am currently fighting with Visual Studio regenerating a
CMake-generated project on every build, although nothing has changed. I
am searching for a method how to debug the generated dependencies inside VS.
The project builds a DLL from Fortran files, which are generated by a
Perl script. The setup looks something like this:

                   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E chdir
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/createFortAccessors.pl FortranModules.inp
FortranCommons.inp ${ModuleDefs} ${CommonDefs})
ADD_LIBRARY(FortranInterface SHARED ${FortranSources} FortranInterface.def)

Visual Studio regenerates the Fortran source files upon each build,
although none of the input files have changed. Any ideas how to find
out, why this happens, are very much appreciated.
The same project is generated correctly under Linux and even with a
nmake-based build.


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