[CMake] Abusive warning: "To use the NMake generator, cmake must be run from a shell..."

Tanguy Krotoff tkrotoff at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 12:52:38 EDT 2009


I'm using CMake-2.6.3 and Visual C++ .NET 2003 (MSVC71) on a clean WinXP 32bits.

I get this warning several times at the configure step (my configure
-G "NMake Makefiles")

CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:12 (project):
  To use the NMake generator, cmake must be run from a shell that can use the
  compiler cl from the command line.  This environment does not contain
  INCLUDE, LIB, or LIBPATH, and these must be set for the cl compiler to

I'm sure that my VC++/Windows configuration is OK since the soft
compiles and the BuildBot that runs CMake and MSVC71 show me this
environnement before to run the configure step:

  INCLUDE=c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\include\
  LIB=c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Lib\
Files\CMake 2.6\bin;C:\Program Files\NSIS

So I think CMake-2.6.3 is just giving me an abusive warning.

Any hints? is this a bug from CMake?
I can test using other versions of CMake if needed

Tanguy Krotoff <tkrotoff at gmail.com>
+33 6 68 42 70 24

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