[CMake] FW: Cmake on Sun?

George Neill georgen at neillnet.com
Thu Apr 16 14:12:39 EDT 2009


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Bill Hoffman <bill.hoffman at kitware.com> wrote:
> indigojo at blogistan.co.uk wrote:
>> Quoting "Bartlett, Roscoe A" <rabartl at sandia.gov>:
>>> Hello,
>>> An associate of mine tried to build CMake 2.6.2 on a Sun machine and  got
>>> lots of errors (see the attached).
>>> Does CMake work in the Sun?  What platforms is CMake supposed to
>>>  support?  We also have a nasty IBM AIX machine that we have to  support.
>>>  It is critical that CMake port to nearly every platform  that we support
>>> and it is a pretty hard list of platforms.
>> Which compiler is he using?  The code quoted is C++, and GCC is less
>> strict in its implementation of C++ standards than other compilers,
>> particularly Sun Studio (e.g. allowing the dimensioning of arrays using
>> variables, as in "int d=6; int v[d]; " - that is not valid C++ but would
>> compile in GCC).  . The Qt people found this out when trying to port Qt to
>> Sun, and have been revising Qt to make sure the proprietary compilers can
>> compile it.
> The problem seems to be in the boostrap script.
> Undefined                       first referenced
>  symbol                             in file
> bool cmELF::ReadBytes(unsigned long,unsigned long,char*)const
> cmSystemTools.o
> That should only happen if CMAKE_USE_ELF_PARSER is defined:
> #if defined(CMAKE_USE_ELF_PARSER)
> # include "cmELF.h"
> #endif
> In 2.6.2 that is not defined during bootstrap.
> BTW, int d=6; int v[d] is invalid C++ and gcc is wrong...  But, this is not
> a compiler issue, it is some odd issue with the boostrap script. Another
> option would be to get the binary cmake from www.cmake.org for the sun, and
> use that to bootstrap cmake and avoid the boostrap script.

I seem to remember running in to this issue when trying to build cmake
on SS10/Solari10.  If I recall correctly, it turned out being an
environment issue.  A conflict with GNU ld/SUN ld?   (but I may have
lost some memory cells since then!)


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