[CMake] CMake generators (Xcode and Unix Makefile)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Apr 16 05:54:17 EDT 2009

On 16.04.09 09:26:45, Tobias Rudolph wrote:
> On 15 Apr 2009, at 22:35, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> On Wednesday 15 April 2009, Michael Jackson wrote:
>>> On Apr 15, 2009, at 9:57 AM, christophe laferriere wrote:
>> ...
>>>> - some of my headers are generated by cmake (myproj.h.in became
>>>> myproj.h and is include in some tests for example) but I can't find
>>>> those files in the xcode project I get.
>>>> Thanks in advance for any good advice on how I can combine xcode
>>>> project and unix makefile to be able to use both.
>>> Use 2 separate build directories for each type of build files, ie,  
>>> use
>>> Build-make for makefiles and Build-xcode for Xcode project builds.
>>> This will ensure each build directory has the correct build files and
>>> generated files for its use.
>> With xcode projects you could also use "xcodebuild" from the command  
>> line to
>> build the project.
>>> In your add_executable() command, in addition to the source files  
>>> also
>>> include the headers and generated headers for those to show up in  
>>> Xcode.
>>> Lastly, in the Xcode preferences, under the "Debugging" topic you may
>>> want to turn OFF the "Load Symbols Lazily" so debugging actually  
>>> works.
>>> <opinion>If Xcode is too much of a pain and you are NOT building 64
>>> bit binaries then you can try Eclipse CDT instead. It will work with
>>> your makefiles OR you can use the Eclipse CDT generator to generate  
>>> an
>>> actual Eclipse CDT project. I personally use Eclipse CDT with plain
>>> makefiles and am very happy with it. There seems to be an issue with
>>> Eclipse being able to recognize a 64 bit binary. You can still build
>>> them but the Eclipse CDT debugger does not recognize them to actually
>>> debug them. bummer.</opinion>
>>> <Even more lastly>Qt has "QtCreator" which is starting to get support
>>> for Makefiles. In early versions it looked very promising and was
>>> faster to edit files than either Eclipse or Xcode. Just something to
>>> keep on eye on.</Even more lastly>
>> QtCreator supports loading CodeBlocks project files, which cmake can  
>> generate
>> (this was added to QtCreator especially for the purpose of better  
>> support for
>> cmake)
> QtCreator has bulit-in support for  CMakeLists.txt files.

No it does not, it generates a CodeBlocks file behind the scenes and then
uses the information from that to supply include directories and so on to
the rest of the IDE. I didn't check how it actually builds cmake projects,
but I'm guessing it uses one of the Makefile generators (i.e.
unix-makefiles or nmake) in the configured builddir to build the projects.


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