[CMake] Generating Source Files

Jeremy Cowgar jeremy at cowgar.com
Wed Apr 8 17:50:42 EDT 2009

Bill Hoffman wrote:
> ********  This is what you left out **********
> ********  We have to make sure cmake re-runs when
> ********  input files to this change, the only way
> ********  to do that is to use them as an input to cmake
> # now make parser.e an input to cmake, so that cmake will
> # re-run when make is run and parser.e changes
> configure_file(parser.e parser.e.flagfile)

Ah! That caused it to work. I'm terribly sorry about that. Now, I have 
just one more question, hopefully, about this whole process. parser.e is 
only one of the files that could possibly trigger a retranslation. The 
entire list is:

SET( EU_CORE_FILES common.e emit.e error.e fwdref.e global.e inline.e 
keylist.e main.e mode.e
  opnames.e parser.e pathopen.e reswords.e scanner.e scinot.e shift.e 
symtab.e )

Should I make each one of those a CONFIGURE_FILE() ?

Also, if I could offer a suggestion, maybe it's harder than it sounds, 
but on your ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND, this whole process would be much, much, 
much simpler if you had the ability to run, say a MACRO() after the 
custom command is done building. If I could do that, I would simply 
create a macro that does FILE( GLOB EU_INT_FILES interpreter/*.c )  or 
something to that effect.


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