[CMake] cmake 2.6 VTK_WRAP_TCL

Robert Haines rhaines at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Apr 6 11:58:16 EDT 2009


> I have Recently upgraded to cmake 2.6 and i noticed that the command  
> VTK_WRAP_TCL used to wrap classes in TCL has been deprecated. I've  
> looking around for some info on how to wrap classes in TCL in cmake  
> 2.6 but still got any. I'd appreciate any information or experience  
> you may have on this.

I think I answered this question back when it was titled 'VTK 5.0 TCL  

You need to pull in the UseVTK.cmake for the version of VTK you are  
building against, like this:

find_package(VTK REQUIRED)

Then you will have access to things like VTK_WRAP_TCL3 *(note the 3 on  
the end there)* and so on.

As I recommended before, look at the examples VTK/Examples/Build/vtkMy  
and VTK/Examples/Build/vtkLocal which are very detailed examples of  
how to do this. I have based a library of classes on the vtkMy example  
and it works perfectly wrapping to all languages with VTK 5.2 and 5.4.


Robert Haines

Research Associate, RealityGrid          Tel. : +44 (0)161 275 6067
Research Computing Services              Fax. : +44 (0)161 275 0637
University of Manchester                 Email: rhaines at manchester.ac.uk
Oxford Road                              Web  : www.realitygrid.org
Manchester, M13 9PL                           : www.rcs.manchester.ac.uk

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