[CMake] Core dump after "- Check for working C compiler" on OS400 ( i5/OS PowerPC 32bit) with 2.6.2

Ulf Wendel Ulf.Wendel at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 2 14:03:42 EDT 2009

Bill Hoffman schrieb:
> Can you run cmake in a debugger?

It did not tell me much. Maybe because the custom compiled one lacked 
debug info. I did not follow up on this. From what I guessed based on 
"grepping" through the source it could be something super simple that is 
causing the exception, something like pushing an empty string onto a 
std::string vector.

I could not imagine that CMake would have such a simple bug and therefore...

(dbx) where
raise(??) at 0xd006c13c
abort() at 0xd009a3ac
unnamed block in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv(), line 97 
in "vterminate.cc"
unnamed block in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv(), line 97 
in "vterminate.cc"
unnamed block in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv(), line 97 
in "vterminate.cc"
unnamed block in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv(), line 97 
in "vterminate.cc"
_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv(), line 97 in "vterminate.cc"
_ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE(??), line 43 in "eh_terminate.cc"
_ZSt9terminatev(), line 53 in "eh_terminate.cc"
unnamed block in 
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
unnamed block in 
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
unnamed block in 
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
unnamed block in 
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
unnamed block in 
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
unnamed block in 
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
??, ??), line 77 in "locale-inst.cc"
_ZSt19__throw_logic_errorPKc(??), line 63 in "functexcept.cc"
unnamed block in _ZNSt13runtime_errorD0Ev(??, ??, ??, ??), line 528 in 
unnamed block in _ZNSt13runtime_errorD0Ev(??, ??, ??, ??), line 528 in 
unnamed block in _ZNSt13runtime_errorD0Ev(??, ??, ??, ??), line 528 in 
_ZNSt13runtime_errorD0Ev(??, ??, ??, ??), line 528 in "stdexcept.cc"
_ZNSt11logic_errorC2ERKSs(??, ??, ??), line 1449 in "stdexcept.cc"
0x2012780c, 0x2012780c, 0x107878f4, 0x10787908, 0x2ff21608, 0x2010b860) 
at 0x10270d8c
0x2012780c, 0x2012780c, 0x107878f4, 0x10787908, 0x2ff215e4, 0x2ff21608) 
at 0x1018d26c
0x2ff217ec) at 0x10107278
0x2ff217ec, 0x2ff219b4) at 0x1010840c
0x2012609c, 0x2ff219b4) at 0x10093864
0x20126090, 0x2ff219b4) at 0x101a1314
0x201274a8, 0x2010b860, 0x2ff21c84) at 0x100dd068
0x201274a8, 0x2ff21c84) at 0x10131da0
0x201274a8, 0x2ff21c84) at 0x101a0e94
_ZN10cmMakefile12ReadListFileEPKcS1_PSs(0x2010b860, 0x0, 0x2011284c, 
0x0) at 0x101a2104
0x2ff21fb0, 0x2010b860, 0x10e2ec) at 0x10277748
0x2ff21fb0, 0x2010b860, 0x10db70) at 0x10429bb0
0x2ff21fb0, 0x112cbc) at 0x1018e2a4
0x2ff2203c, 0x2ff2227c) at 0x100c1dfc
0x2011798c, 0x2ff2227c) at 0x10093864
0x20117980, 0x2ff2227c) at 0x101a1314
_ZN10cmMakefile12ReadListFileEPKcS1_PSs(0x2010b860, 0x2010d83c, 0x0, 
0x0) at 0x101a2104
_ZN16cmLocalGenerator9ConfigureEv(0x2010b6e0) at 0x102a5190
_ZN29cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator39ConfigureEv(0x2010b6e0) at 0x1045e840
_ZN17cmGlobalGenerator9ConfigureEv(0x20109f80) at 0x10273d3c
_ZN5cmake15ActualConfigureEv(0x2ff22878) at 0x10382a5c
_ZN5cmake9ConfigureEv(0x2ff22878) at 0x10382eb0
_ZN5cmake3RunERKSt6vectorISsSaISsEEb(0x2ff22878, 0x2ff2273c, 0xf22878) 
at 0x10384d9c
_Z8do_cmakeiPPc(0x6, 0x2ff22b74) at 0x10006c10
main(0x6, 0x2ff22b74) at 0x100076d0

> Did you build CMake yourself, or is it a Kitware build?

I have tried your precompiled 2.6.3 binary for AIX PowerPC. It seems to 
work. I'll check tomorrow if its about 2.6.2 vs. 2.6.3 or it has to do 
with selfcompiled vs. precompiled.

The machine is a bit slow... it will take a minute or two to find out.


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