[CMake] How to set up Cygwin + CMake + GNU Makefiles + cl.exe correctly?

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri May 30 14:36:02 EDT 2008

Stefan Buschmann wrote:
> Thanks! I finally got it to work now. The problem was that invoking the 
> script does not really "export" the variables to the shell - so in my 
> own tests, "cmake" had it's environment variables set right, because I 
> invoked it directly from the script, but when running "make" later, the 
> variables were not set. I'm now exporting all those variables directly 
> in my .bashrc file - is there a better way to invoke the script?

No, you have to have the shell setup with a working cl for things to work...

I just source a file that has the values in it each time I start a 
shell. Something like:

. ~/vsEnv

That will put the exports into the current shell.


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