[CMake] About CMakeLists.txt coding style

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Thu May 22 10:06:21 EDT 2008

Philip Lowman wrote:
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Edson Tadeu <e.tadeu at gmail.com 
> <mailto:e.tadeu at gmail.com>> wrote:
>       (Not even mentioning the indent style). It seems that there is a
>     transition going on from uppercase to lowercase in the recent
>     CMakeLists... I don't know what style to settle for my new
>     CMakeLists.txt's, because if I use lowercase, to copy&paste from
>     other projects would be a real pain... but maybe the projects will
>     convert their CMakeLists to lowercase? A tool to automatically
>     convert from uppercase commands to lowercase would help.

If you are an emacs user, the most recent emacs mode for cmake has a 
function: M-x unscreamify-cmake-buffer  which works quite well.  It also 
does auto-indenting.


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