[CMake] Inter-project dependencies

Emmanuel Blot eblotml at free.fr
Tue May 20 17:55:47 EDT 2008


I'm using CMake to build two C-based projects

The first CMake project builds several static libraries (ARM elf / eCos)
The second CMake project builds several application which do link  
against the static libraries produced within the first project.
However, both CMake projects are unrelated from CMake perspective.

I've not been able to find a CMake rule to tell CMake to force  
relinking an application of the second project when a library  
generated in the first project has been updated. I always need to  
"touch" a source file of the second project so that Make rebuilds the  
file and is forced to relink the application with the static libraries  
of the first project.

Which CMake rule should/could I use to add a dependency from the 2nd  
project onto an external static library (of the 1st project) ?


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