[CMake] Disable pretty output

Jesper Eskilson jesper at eskilson.se
Tue May 20 02:52:45 EDT 2008

Bill Hoffman wrote:
> David Sveningsson wrote:
>> Hi, more newbie questions. The GNU Makefiles generated CMake has some 
>> nice colored output, progress etc. However I would like to disable 
>> this and see each command that is run (debugging purpose).
> There is no way to turn it off.  You can do make VERBOSE=1 to see the 
> commands, but they will be mixed with the other stuff as well.

The output management for the makefile generator has several problems (IMO).

- When using parallell make, the output becomes jumbled.
- The -s flag to make is not obeyed.
- The pretty/colorized progress messages can't be switched off.
- The progress messages are (sometimes) too long.

I'd actually like an option to remove all the progress messages from the
makefile, alternatively move them out to a separate (replacable) utility.


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