[CMake] WORKING_DIRECTORY ignored for ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND on Visual Studio?

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Thu Jun 26 09:53:29 EDT 2008

Hi Bill

I simply do the following:

                   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different 
                   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different 
                   COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} 
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/createFortAccessors.pl FortranModules.inp 
FortranCommons.inp ${ModuleDefs} ${CommonDefs}

This calls a perl script to generate a bunch of Fortran files as needed. 
This script has to run in the output directory. I have checked the 
generated .vcproj file and it doesn't contain anything related to
the working directory for this command. I modified the command to use
                   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E chdir ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} 
and now it works properly. But still, my impression is, that the Visual 
Studio generator ignores this parameter.



Bill Hoffman wrote:
> Martin Apel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I got the impression, that the CMake generator for Visual Studio 7 
>> ignores the working directory set in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND. Is this a 
>> bug or is this a documented feature somehow?
>> Or am I simply doing something wrong?
> Might be a bug, might be you.  Please provide a small example that 
> shows the problem.
> -Bill


Martin Apel                                     Tel:     0049 8153 9288-47
Software Architect                              E-Mail:  martin.apel at simpack.de

INTEC GmbH                                      Tel:     0049 8153 9288-0
Argelsrieder Feld 13                            Fax:     0049 8153 9288-11
82234 Wessling                                  E-Mail:  intec at simpack.de
Germany                                         URL:     http://www.simpack.com

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