[CMake] Out-of-source build broken ?

Gabriel Sepúlveda gabriel.sepulveda at sixbell.cl
Wed Jun 18 16:16:19 EDT 2008

Hi, you need to set the EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH variable. For to do this 
automatically, you can set it with command:

      CACHE PATH "text" )


Emmanuel Blot wrote:
> I can't figure out why CMake keeps building in the source directory 
> rather than in the current directory:
> $ cmake --version
> cmake version 2.6-patch 0
> $ echo $PWD
> /home/eblot/t380/host/build/project
> $ cmake ../../src/project
> -- Configuring done
> -- Generating done
> -- Build files have been written to: /home/eblot/t380/host/src/project
> Should I need to set some specific configuration parameters to enable 
> out-of-source build ?
> This issue occurs on Cygwin (WinXP SP3) - at least
> Thanks,
> Manu
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