[CMake] Build RC With MinGW and CMake

Jack Edmonds pocketcookies2 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 11:25:39 EDT 2008

I am trying to use CMake to compile a project using MinGW on Windows and I
need to be able to compile in a .rc file generated by Visual Studio.  I have
tried setting variables such as CMAKE_COMPILE_RESOURCE as described at
http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2005-July/006871.html but that only
seems to lead to various errors occurring during the build process.  I was
able to compile the resource using ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and calling MinGW's
windres but when I tried to add the file generated by windres to my final
executable, I got an error during the build saying that there was no rule to
build the file (which had been built by windres in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND).

Does anyone know the "official" or best way to tell CMake to compile and
link in a resource file using MinGW?
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