[CMake] 4th Edition CMake book now in stock

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 03:06:57 EST 2008

On Feb 6, 2008 2:32 AM, Alan W. Irwin <irwin at beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> Finally, Brandon, I assume you disagree with some/all of the above since we
> obviously live in different realities, but will you for once grant someone
> else the courtesy of the last word in a given thread?  You rarely do that,
> and it is frankly irritating behaviour.  Of course, my friends will tell me
> something about kettle, pot, and black ( :-)), but I am aware of the issue
> for myself and I am trying to deal with it so this is the last I will
> respond to you in this thread even if you decide to grab the last word for
> yourself once again.

That kind of request really belonged offline, and indeed so does the
discussion of piracy, for that matter.  But no hard feelings.  I
discuss piracy publicly to the degree that it is funny.  I mean,
c'mon, you're gonna step Back In Time and rant and rave to my 11 year
old self about what a horrible word "piracy" is??  The audacity of
those game developers, how dare they seek compensation by restrictive
technological means!  We should burn all our Double Fannucci collector
cards, burn them I say!

Brandon Van Every

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