[CMake] How to copy dependent files

Tron Thomas tron.thomas at verizon.net
Sat Dec 13 13:31:45 EST 2008

I have tried a different approach that has been more successful:

add_custom_target(CopyXML ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory

add_dependencies(UnitTest CopyXML)

This will always copy the files whether they need to be updated or  
not, however I cannot think of anything else that will cause the file  
to get copied.

Another problem is that when I build this target from an IDE like  
Apple's Xcode, the file are copied to ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH},  
however the built executable is copied to ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/ 
Debug when building the debug version the application.

How can I get the copied files and built executable to appear in the  
same directory.

On Dec 11, 2008, at 8:44 o'clock, Tron Thomas wrote:

> I have a project configured with CMake that needs to have  set of  
> XML files copied to the directory where executables are built so  
> that a unit test that relies on these files can execute.
> I tried to create a custom command that should copy the files and  
> tried to set that command up as dependency of the unit test  
> application.  However when the application builds the files are not  
> copied to the needed directory.
> Here is the gist of how I tried to perform the copy:
> XML/*.xml)
> foreach(File ${SourceXMLFiles})
> 	set(XMLFiles "${XMLFiles} ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${File}")
> endforeach(File)
> add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${XMLFiles}
> 	COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_directory
> 	DEPENDS ${SourceXMLFiles})
> add_dependencies(UnitTest ${XMLFiles})
> What can be done to copy the needed files to the unit test directory?

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