[CMake] Question about distribution questions

Joachim Ziegler ziegler at mpi-sb.mpg.de
Fri Sep 21 06:51:13 EDT 2007

Hello list,

I am new to cmake and I have just read the FAQ


I have also studied the CPack documentation, but I am still wondering 
the following:

 > CMake doesn't create a "make dist" target.

Does this simply mean that there is no target with this name (but some 
other way to do it), or does it rather say that cmake is not meant to 
create packages (in the sense of autoconf/automake) that you can deliver 
to your customer who just has to unpack and type something like 
"./configure; make" to get the package built on his machine *WITHOUT* 
having cmake installed and *WITHOUT* knowing anything about cmake?

If not so: How can I make a package consisting of files a.h, a.cpp, b.h, 
b.cpp, main.cpp (which compile well on my machine with cmake) that can 
be unpacked and compiled on my customer's machine?

Concerning this topic, I find the documentation of CPack quite confusing.

Thank you,

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