[CMake] How can I avoid the addition of Debug/Release to the link path?

Sylvain Benner benner at virtools.com
Wed Oct 10 05:02:01 EDT 2007

> If it is something not being built by cmake, then a full path should 
> be used,
> and cmake should do the right thing.   LINK_DIRECTORIES should be
> used as a last resort.   If the library does not exist at cmake run 
> time, because
> it will be built by the cmake project, then it should work.  If the 
> library
> does exist at configure time, then a full path to the library should 
> be used.
Ok, so the answer to the original issue is to provide the full path to 
the required libraries with LINK_LIBRARIES or TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES 
provided they are not built by the CMake project, that's right ?

I'm sorry for the confusion I've put, here we use a complete new 
generator for XCode which mimics the Solution/Project structure of 
Visual Studio, and so I'm not aware of normal CMake usage.


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