[CMake] Win32: DLL fails to find Qt symbols but .so builds in Linux

Stephen Collyer scollyer at netspinner.co.uk
Fri Nov 23 09:21:03 EST 2007

Stephen Collyer wrote:
> I'm building some simple shared libraries and an executable
> that links against them under both Win32 and Linux. All of
> the libraries and exe build and link correctly under Linux,
> but when building the DLLs under Win32 I get link errors.
> e.g. I have a class that looks like this:
> #include <QMutex>
> #include <QQueue>
> #include <QString>
> #include <QWaitCondition>
> ...
> class COMMS_EXP Comms
> {
>     public:
>     ...
>     private:
>         QQueue<QString> messageq;
>         QMutex          qmutex;
>         QWaitCondition  message_available;
> };
> with a cmake command like this:
> ADD_LIBRARY(Comms Comms.cpp)

OK, I'll do a bit of thinking out loud. I'm guessing that
when I try to build the code above into a DLL, Comms.dll,
VS tries to find the export lists containing the various
symbols for QQueue, QMutex, etc and patches the DLL with
some information in some way. Now, I've taken a look at the
various .vcproj files created by cmake, and I've noticed
that the project for the executable (called server) that links
against the Comms.dll has a line like this:


which directly refers to the appropriate Qt lib directory. I assume
that this eventually derives from the lines:


in the cmakelist file for the server executable.

However, the Comms.vcproj has no equivalent AdditionalLibraryDirectories

Should it have one ? And if so, how can I convince cmake to put
one in there ?


Steve Collyer
Netspinner Ltd

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