[CMake] QtDialog isn't installed?

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 19:22:04 EST 2007

On Nov 20, 2007 7:13 PM, Alexander Neundorf <a.neundorf-work at gmx.net> wrote:
> ...
> > With the qt exception, you can link all you want, you just can not develop.
> This is confusing for me.

Well, it's an incorrect statement, if that's what's confusing you.
The Qt GPL Exception allows for various kinds of development if your
corporation has certain licensing and governance with respect to open
source.  This certainly helps Kitware; it may not help third parties.

> Isn't linking (at build time) the executable to the
> library the act which makes the executable a derived work from the library ?
> As long as it is not linked together, i.e. as long as it just exists in source
> form, I see two points:
> (1) GPL mainly says what happens if you get a binary: then you have the right
> to get the sources for the binary (which will then be GPL)
> (2) the app sources itself are not linked to Qt, so they are no derived work
> This is my (simplified) understanding of the GPL, where do I get things
> wrong ?

You are correct about the GPL.  But we are not trying to solve the
GPL.  We are trying to solve a more stringent set of requirements than
the GPL: the various Linux distro policies.  The Qt GPL Exception is
exactly the legal framework needed.  Kitware is exactly the kind of
open source company that Trolltech is trying to make life easier for.

Brandon Van Every

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