[CMake] Reading the content of a file

Filipe Sousa natros at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 07:56:00 EST 2007

Timo Rumland wrote:
> Hello,
> what I must do is:
>  1. Read the content of a file
>  2. Modify the content (variable)
>  3. Write out the content into a new file

Have you tried CONFIGURE_FILE() ? You can use it to replace variables.

make version 2.5-20070219
       Copy a file to another location and modify its contents.

         CONFIGURE_FILE(InputFile OutputFile
                        [COPYONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY])

       The Input and Ouput files have to have full paths.  This command
       replaces any variables in the input file referenced as ${VAR} or @VAR@
       with their values as determined by CMake.  If a variable is not
       defined, it will be replaced with nothing.  If COPYONLY is specified,
       then no variable expansion will take place.  If ESCAPE_QUOTES is
       specified then any substituted quotes will be C-style escaped.  The
       file will be configured with the current values of CMake variables.
       If @ONLY is specified, only variables of the form @VAR@ will be
       replaces and ${VAR} will be ignored.  This is useful for configuring
       scripts that use ${VAR}.  Any occurrences of #cmakedefine VAR will be
       replaced with either #define VAR or /* #undef VAR */ depending on the
       setting of VAR in CMake


Filipe Sousa

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