[CMake] Using CMake with WxWidgets...

Jay Hoinville jay.hoinville at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 08:08:00 EDT 2007

I am using CMake to put together a project that includes WxWidgets.  I 
am using VC++ 2005 and  I have two questions:

1)  CMake is not setting the libraries correctly between the debug and 
release versions of WxWidgets.  It only sets the the library files to 
the release version.  When I compile the debug version of the program, I 
get errors like: "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void 
__cdecl wxOnAssert(...)".  I have to fix this by going to the project 
properties dialog box and changing all the WxWidgets libraries, so that 
the debug libraries are explicitly named in the 
linker->input->Additional dependencies section, e.g.,  wxbase28.lib must 
be changed to wxbased28.lib.  This corrects the errors, but is tedious 
in that I have to do this every time I change the CMakelists.txt file.  
Is there a way to specify which libraries go with  which  build?

2)  This is related to question 1) above.  Whenever I compile the 
CMakeLists.txt file, I always get the DLL  build as opposed to the 
static build.  How do I tell CMake to set the vc++ 2005 project so that 
the run time library is set to "multi-threaded" instead of 
"multi-threaded DLL"?


jrh at micromagnetica.com

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