[CMake] cmake does not set execute bit on shared libraries

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Fri Apr 6 18:13:01 EDT 2007

Am Freitag 06 April 2007 19:32 schrieb Alan W. Irwin:
> but for now the result is that Debian packagers have to remove the execute

Debhelper(dh_fixperms) usually takes care of this.

> bit for libraries installed with autotools while Fedora packagers have to
> add the execute bit for libraries installed with CMake.  I am sure it is
> annoying to have to remember these fixups for varying policy, but I am also
> sure it is not a difficult fixup in either case.

Given how RPM is "developed", requiring shared objects to be executable is 
just dumb but no surprise. If rpm needs something else, it is free to change 
the permissions of a file from 0444 to whatever.
May be yet another RPM bug, though, and I wouldn't on it being fixed by now or 
anytime in the future.


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