[CMake] a backwards compatible language simplification

Lloyd Hilaiel lloydh at yahoo-inc.com
Mon May 22 12:39:07 EDT 2006

/-- Around 10 PM on [05/18/06] (gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr) "said" -- 
>That's nice already - changing 3 times the conditions in a if-else-endif 
>construct was quite boring :-)
>Do you plan to also remove the parenthesis in a future release ?

My patch also made any unparenthesized cmake macro/function call
equivalent to the same call without any arguments

This required some changes to the parser/scanner.  I'd be happy to
regenerate it off cvs trunk, if there's interest...  I did run through
all of the tests, but did not think through all possible corner cases.
May be a devil somewhere down there in the details...
For now though I'm just grateful that a portion of the patch was
accepted :)

lloydh at yahoo-inc.com | of best value the perspectives

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