[CMake] shared and static libs with same rootname

Jorge Rodriguez jrodriguez at xvt.com
Mon Aug 14 16:57:56 EDT 2006

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> In any event, the *target* names must be unique.  For instance my 
> actual targets are chicken, libchicken, and libchicken-static.  You 
> use SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES to change what the OUTPUT_NAME name will 
> be.  I've attached the relevant sections of Chicken's CMakeLists.txt, 
> as they are a fairly clear example of CMake 2.4.3 naming problems and 
> workarounds on Windows.

I'm not building Cygwin or MinGW. So, I would have to do something like 

ADD_LIBRARY(foo SHARED ${FooSources})
ADD_LIBRARY(foos STATIC ${FooSources})


Won't that build all the sources twice?  That's not really optimal when 
there's no difference between the resulting object files. I'd rather it 
ran the linker twice, once for shared and once for static, with the same 
object files. Or maybe that's me being too optimistic?

Also, what if I turned around and did this:

ADD_EXECUTABLE(bar ${BarSources})

Would it link against foo or foos?

Jorge Rodriguez
XVT Software Development
Email: jrodriguez at xvt.com
Phone: (919) 854-1800 x222

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