[CMake] Mac bundle variables for ADD_EXECUTABLE

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 11:09:23 EDT 2006

On 4/7/06, Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov> wrote:
> With the ADD_EXECUTABLE command, you can specify several MACOSX_BUNDLE_*
> options for the resulting bundle, but I cannot find any documentation on
> what each one means.  Is there any?

I believe they're all values that go directly into the Info.plist file
in the app
bundle.  Check Apple's documentation for more information on them.

There's also work being (been?) done on adding support for more options
for application and framework bundles.  See the wiki page for more info:


Tanner Lovelace
Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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