[CMake] General questions re. CTest

Anton Deguet anton at cs.jhu.edu
Mon Sep 26 11:29:02 EDT 2005


I have been using CTest in combination with Dart pretty happily so far.
I have two minor questions:

-1- For our libraries, we have a macro to tag a function/class/method as
deprecated.  Since we are using multiple compilers, the implementation
of this macro is not always the same and sometimes not defined therefore
it would be nice to actually compile using deprecated methods and test
that these warnings are here.  Right now, using Dart2, they show up as
compilation warnings which is not what I want.

-2- Some of our code is based on "abort()".  I would like to test that,
in some known conditions, my test program will actually abort.  Again, I
don't really know how to write a CTest test case for this kind of

Has anyone tried to perform some similar "negative testing" with CMake,
any useful links?



Anton Deguet <anton at cs.jhu.edu>
ERC CISST Johns Hopkins University

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