[CMake] solution for 64-bit platform

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed Sep 14 14:01:02 EDT 2005

Hugo Gratama van Andel wrote:
> Dear CMake users,
> I am trying to compile ITK for windows XP 64-bit with the Visual Studio 
> 2005 Beta. One very annoying problem is that the created solution by 
> CMake defaults to the win32 platform in stead of the x64 that I need. 
> Visual Studio 2005 needs aprox. one hour to change the settings for the 
> whole project (probably due to a bug). Can I specify the desired 
> platform somewhere in the CMakeLists.txt?

Changing any build settings from within the IDE will not work because 
the next time CMake runs (possibly automatically during the build) it 
will just overwrite the project files with the original settings.

Currently I don't think support is implemented in CMake for 64-bit 
builds with Visual Studio.  Please submit a feature request here:


Meanwhile you _might_ be able to get things working by using the "NMake 
Makefiles" generator (starting with an new empty build tree) and setting 
the CMAKE_C_FLAGS* and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS* variables in the cache (turn on 
advanced view)  to contain the proper flags for 64-bit builds.


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