[CMake] Can't compile cmake-cvs with VS2005ExpressEdition

Filipe Sousa filipe at ipb.pt
Fri Nov 25 10:36:51 EST 2005

Hash: SHA1

I'm trying to compile cmake from today cvs with cmake-2.2.2 using VS2005
 Express Edition but fails building testRegistry.exe

Linking CXX executable ..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegCreateKeyExA at 36 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::Open(char const *,char const *,int)"
(?Open at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD0H at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegOpenKeyExA at 20 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::Open(char const *,char const *,int)"
(?Open at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD0H at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegCloseKey at 4 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::Close(void)"
(?Close at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NXZ)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegQueryValueExA at 24 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::ReadValue(char const *,char const *
*)" (?ReadValue at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBDPAPBD at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegDeleteKeyA at 8 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::DeleteKey(char const *)"
(?DeleteKey at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegDeleteValueA at 8 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::DeleteValue(char const *)"
(?DeleteValue at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__RegSetValueExA at 24 referenced in function "public: virtual bool
__thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::SetValue(char const *,char const *)"
(?SetValue at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD0 at Z)
..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals

I attached the output of cmake, nmake and the make file of testRegistry

- --
Filipe Sousa
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)

-------------- next part --------------
# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!
# Generated by "NMake Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.2

# Set environment variables for the build.

!IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
# The CMake executable.
CMAKE_COMMAND = "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe"

# The command to remove a file.
RM = "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E remove -f

# The program to use to edit the cache.

# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run.

# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run.
CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = C:\cvs\CMake\build

# Include any dependencies generated for this target.
include Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\depend.make

# Include the compile flags for this target's objects.
include Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\flags.make

Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\depend.make.mark: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\flags.make
Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\depend.make.mark: ..\Source\kwsys\testRegistry.cxx

Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\flags.make
Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj: ..\Source\kwsys\testRegistry.cxx
	@echo Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testRegistry.dir/testRegistry.obj
	cl  @<<
  /nologo $(CXX_FLAGS)  /TP -DWIN32 /FoSource/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testRegistry.dir/testRegistry.obj -c C:\cvs\CMake\Source\kwsys\testRegistry.cxx


Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj.provides: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj.requires
	$(MAKE) -f Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir/build.make /nologo -$(MAKEFLAGS) Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj.provides.build

Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj.provides.build: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj

Source\kwsys\cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.c: bin\cmsysEncodeExecutable.exe
Source\kwsys\cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.c: bin\cmsysProcessFwd9x.exe
	@echo Generating cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.c
	cd C:\cvs\CMake\build\Source\kwsys
	..\..\bin\cmsysEncodeExecutable.exe C:/cvs/CMake/build/bin/cmsysProcessFwd9x.exe C:/cvs/CMake/build/Source/kwsys/cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.c cmsys ProcessFwd9x
	cd C:\cvs\CMake\build

Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\depend: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\depend.make.mark

	@echo Scanning dependencies of target testRegistry
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_depends  "NMake Makefiles" C:\cvs\CMake\build C:\cvs\CMake\build\Source\kwsys C:\cvs\CMake\build\Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\DependInfo.cmake

# Object files for target testRegistry
testRegistry_OBJECTS = \

# External object files for target testRegistry

bin\testRegistry.exe: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj
bin\testRegistry.exe: Source\kwsys\cmsys.lib
bin\testRegistry.exe: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\build.make
	@echo Linking CXX executable ..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E remove -f ..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe
	cd C:\cvs\CMake\build\Source\kwsys
	cl /nologo @<<
  /W3 /Zm1000 /EHsc /GR /MD /O2 /D NDEBUG $(testRegistry_OBJECTS) $(testRegistry_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS) /Fe..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe -link  /STACK:10000000 /machine:I386 /INCREMENTAL:YES /subsystem:console  -LIBPATH:C:\cvs\CMake\build\Source\kwsys cmsys.lib kernel32.lib 
	cd C:\cvs\CMake\build

# Convenience name for target.
Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\build: bin\testRegistry.exe

Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\requires: Source\kwsys\CMakeFiles\testRegistry.dir\testRegistry.obj.requires

	cd C:\cvs\CMake\build\Source\kwsys
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E remove -f cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.c ..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe $(testRegistry_OBJECTS)
	cd C:\cvs\CMake\build

-------------- next part --------------
-- Check for CL compiler version
-- Check for CL compiler version - 1400
-- Check if this is a free VC compiler
-- Check if this is a free VC compiler - no
-- Check for working C compiler: cl
-- Check for working C compiler: cl -- works
-- Check size of void*
-- Check size of void* - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: cl
-- Check for working CXX compiler: cl -- works
-- Checking for CXX include file iostream
-- Checking for CXX include file iostream -- found
-- Check for STD namespace
-- Check for STD namespace - found
-- Check for ANSI scope
-- Check for ANSI scope - found
-- Checking for CXX include file sstream
-- Checking for CXX include file sstream -- found
-- This is a CVS repository
-- Using Buildname: Win32-nmake
-- Checking whether STL classes are in std namespace
-- Checking whether STL classes are in std namespace - yes
-- Checking whether ANSI stream headers are available
-- Checking whether ANSI stream headers are available - yes
-- Checking whether ANSI streams are in std namespace
-- Checking whether ANSI streams are in std namespace - yes
-- Checking whether ANSI string stream is available
-- Checking whether ANSI string stream is available - yes
-- Checking whether header cstddef is available
-- Checking whether header cstddef is available - yes
-- Checking whether stl string has operator!= for char*
-- Checking whether stl string has operator!= for char* - yes
-- Checking whether stl has iterator_traits
-- Checking whether stl has iterator_traits - yes
-- Checking whether stl has standard template allocator
-- Checking whether stl has standard template allocator - yes
-- Checking for rebind member of stl allocator
-- Checking for rebind member of stl allocator - yes
-- Checking for non-standard argument to stl allocator<>::max_size
-- Checking for non-standard argument to stl allocator<>::max_size - no
-- Checking whether stl containers support allocator objects.
-- Checking whether stl containers support allocator objects. - yes
-- Checking whether "<>" is needed for template friends
-- Checking whether "<>" is needed for template friends - yes
-- Checking for member template support
-- Checking for member template support - yes
-- Checking for standard template specialization syntax
-- Checking for standard template specialization syntax - yes
-- Checking whether argument dependent lookup is supported
-- Checking whether argument dependent lookup is supported - yes
-- Check size of char
-- Check size of char - done
-- Check size of short
-- Check size of short - done
-- Check size of int
-- Check size of int - done
-- Check size of long
-- Check size of long - done
-- Check size of long long
-- Check size of long long - done
-- Check size of __int64
-- Check size of __int64 - done
-- Checking whether long and __int64 are the same type
-- Checking whether long and __int64 are the same type - no
-- Checking whether long long and __int64 are the same type
-- Checking whether long long and __int64 are the same type - yes
-- Checking signedness of char
-- Checking signedness of char -- signed
-- Looking for getch in ws2_32;
-- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found
-- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32
-- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDIO_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDIO_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDDEF_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDDEF_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_ASSERT_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_ASSERT_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_LIMITS_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_LIMITS_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H - not found.
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H - not found.
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H - not found.
-- Check size of size_t
-- Check size of size_t - done
-- Check size of long long
-- Check size of long long - done
-- Looking for strncmpi
-- Looking for strncmpi - not found.
-- Looking for inet_pton
-- Looking for inet_pton - not found.
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for strtoll
-- Looking for strtoll - not found.
-- Looking for _strtoi64
-- Looking for _strtoi64 - found
-- Looking for strerror_r
-- Looking for strerror_r - not found.
-- Looking for siginterrupt
-- Looking for siginterrupt - not found.
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FIONBIO
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FIONBIO - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CASE
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CASE - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SO_NONBLOCK
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_O_NONBLOCKHAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R_5 - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_LONG_LONG_CONSTANT
-- Performing Curl Test HAVE_LONG_LONG_CONSTANT - Success
-- Check size of curl_off_t
-- Check size of curl_off_t - done
-- Check if the system is big endian
-- Check if the system is big endian - little endian
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDARG_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDARG_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H - not found.
-- Looking for include files HAVE_WCHAR_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_WCHAR_H - found
-- Looking for asprintf
-- Looking for asprintf - not found.
-- Looking for setgroups
-- Looking for setgroups - not found.
-- Performing Test VA_LIST_ISNOT_ARRAY_DEFINE - Success
-- Performing Test ATTR_UNUSED_VAR
-- Performing Test ATTR_UNUSED_VAR - Failed
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - not found.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/cvs/CMake/build
-------------- next part --------------
Scanning dependencies of target cmsysEncodeExecutable
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsysEncodeExecutable.dir/EncodeExecutable.obj
Linking C executable ..\..\bin\cmsysEncodeExecutable.exe
Scanning dependencies of target cmsysProcessFwd9x
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsysProcessFwd9x.dir/ProcessFwd9x.obj
Linking C executable ..\..\bin\cmsysProcessFwd9x.exe
Generating cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.c
Scanning dependencies of target cmsys
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/ProcessWin32.obj
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.obj
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/Base64.obj
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/Directory.obj
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/Glob.obj
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/RegularExpression.obj
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/SystemTools.obj
C:\cvs\CMake\Source\kwsys\SystemTools.cxx(385) : warning C4996: 'strdup' was declared deprecated
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\string.h(205) : see declaration of 'strdup'
        Message: 'The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _strdup. See online help for details.'
C:\cvs\CMake\Source\kwsys\SystemTools.cxx(1794) : warning C4996: 'unlink' was declared deprecated
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\stdio.h(290) : see declaration of 'unlink'
        Message: 'The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _unlink. See online help for details.'
C:\cvs\CMake\Source\kwsys\SystemTools.cxx(3171) : warning C4996: 'chmod' was declared deprecated
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\io.h(316) : see declaration of 'chmod'
        Message: 'The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _chmod. See online help for details.'
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/CommandLineArguments.obj
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/Registry.obj
Linking CXX static library cmsys.lib
Scanning dependencies of target cmsys_c
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys_c.dir/ProcessWin32.obj
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys_c.dir/cmsysProcessFwd9xEnc.obj
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys_c.dir/Base64.obj
Linking C static library cmsys_c.lib
Scanning dependencies of target testCommandLineArguments
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testCommandLineArguments.dir/testCommandLineArguments.obj
Linking CXX executable ..\..\bin\testCommandLineArguments.exe
Scanning dependencies of target testFail
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testFail.dir/testFail.obj
Linking C executable ..\..\bin\testFail.exe
Scanning dependencies of target testHashSTL
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testHashSTL.dir/testHashSTL.obj
Linking CXX executable ..\..\bin\testHashSTL.exe
Scanning dependencies of target testIOS
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testIOS.dir/testIOS.obj
Linking CXX executable ..\..\bin\testIOS.exe
Scanning dependencies of target testProcess
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testProcess.dir/testProcess.obj
C:\cvs\CMake\Source\kwsys\testProcess.c(391) : warning C4996: 'strdup' was declared deprecated
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\string.h(205) : see declaration of 'strdup'
        Message: 'The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _strdup. See online help for details.'
Linking C executable ..\..\bin\testProcess.exe
Scanning dependencies of target testRegistry
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testRegistry.dir/testRegistry.obj
Linking CXX executable ..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegCreateKeyExA at 36 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::Open(char const *,char const *,int)" (?Open at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD0H at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegOpenKeyExA at 20 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::Open(char const *,char const *,int)" (?Open at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD0H at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegCloseKey at 4 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::Close(void)" (?Close at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NXZ)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegQueryValueExA at 24 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::ReadValue(char const *,char const * *)" (?ReadValue at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBDPAPBD at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegDeleteKeyA at 8 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::DeleteKey(char const *)" (?DeleteKey at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegDeleteValueA at 8 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::DeleteValue(char const *)" (?DeleteValue at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD at Z)
cmsys.lib(Registry.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__RegSetValueExA at 24 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall cmsys::RegistryHelper::SetValue(char const *,char const *)" (?SetValue at RegistryHelper@cmsys@@UAE_NPBD0 at Z)
..\..\bin\testRegistry.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals

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