[CMake] Compiling Cmake on Fedora Core 4 (64 bit)

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Fri Nov 11 14:06:12 EST 2005

It sounds like you do not have curses.h on your machine.  It may be that
you installed a run time curses library and not the development version.
To compile cmake you need curses.h.


At 01:55 PM 11/11/2005, Francesco Montorsi wrote:
>William A. Hoffman wrote:
>>What is in this file:
>[frm at Linux Bootstrap.cmk]$ cat InitialCacheFlags.cmake
># Generated by /mnt/work/cmake-2.2.2/bootstrap
># Default cmake settings.  These may be overridden any settings below.
>SET (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local" CACHE PATH "Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories." FORCE)
>SET (CMAKE_DOC_DIR "/doc/CMake" CACHE PATH "Install location for documentation (relative to prefix)." FORCE)
>SET (CMAKE_MAN_DIR "/man" CACHE PATH "Install location for man pages (relative to prefix)." FORCE)
>SET (CMAKE_DATA_DIR "/share/CMake" CACHE PATH "Install location for data (relative to prefix)." FORCE)
>SET(CURSES_LIBRARY "/usr/lib/libncurses.so" CACHE PATH "")
>I tried to change the CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH to "/usr/include".
>>Also this one:
>I attach the file to this mail;
>anyway doing
>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$ cat CMakeCache.txt | grep CURSES
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURSES_EXTRA_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURSES_LIBRARY
>so I can see that cmake cannot find CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH automatically...
>The library file is there:
>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$ ll /usr/lib64/libcurses.so
>lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 17 26 set 23:47 /usr/lib64/libcurses.so -> libncurses.so.5.4
>However I cannot find the header file to libcurses; what should I search for ? curses.h is not present in /usr ...
>>At 02:27 PM 11/10/2005, Francesco Montorsi wrote:
>>> I'm having troubles compiling cmake 2.2.2 on my Fedora Core4 (64bit) with GCC 4.0.
>>>I unpackaged the source release and then tried:
>>>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$ ./configure
>>>CMake 2.2-2, Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium
>>>C compiler on this system is: cc
>>>C++ compiler on this system is: g++
>>>Makefile processor on this system is: gmake
>>>g++ is GNU compiler
>>>g++ has STL in std:: namespace
>>>g++ has ANSI streams
>>>g++ has streams in std:: namespace
>>>g++ has sstream
>>>g++ has operator!=(string, char*)
>>>g++ has stl iterator_traits
>>>g++ has standard template allocator
>>>g++ has allocator<>::rebind<>
>>>g++ does not have non-standard allocator<>::max_size argument
>>>g++ has stl containers supporting allocator objects
>>>g++ has header cstddef
>>>g++ requires template friends to use <>
>>>g++ supports member templates
>>>g++ has standard template specialization syntax
>>>g++ has argument dependent lookup
>>>g++ has struct stat with st_mtim member
>>>g++ has ANSI for scoping
>>>gmake: `cmake' is up to date.
>>>loading initial cache file /mnt/work/cmake-2.2.2/Bootstrap.cmk/InitialCacheFlags.cmake
>>>-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
>>>-- Using Buildname: Linux-g++
>>>CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
>>>and cmake can not find them.
>>>Please set the following variables:
>>>-- Configuring done
>>>Error when bootstrapping CMake:
>>>Problem while running initial CMake
>>>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$
>>>I searched the archive and found that I need to use an init file so I did:
>>>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$ cat temp
>>>SET(CURSES_LIBRARY "/usr/lib/libncurses.so" CACHE PATH "")
>>>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$ ./configure --init=temp
>>>CMake 2.2-2, Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium
>>>C compiler on this system is: cc
>>>C++ compiler on this system is: g++
>>>Makefile processor on this system is: gmake
>>>g++ is GNU compiler
>>>g++ has STL in std:: namespace
>>>g++ has ANSI streams
>>>g++ has streams in std:: namespace
>>>g++ has sstream
>>>g++ has operator!=(string, char*)
>>>g++ has stl iterator_traits
>>>g++ has standard template allocator
>>>g++ has allocator<>::rebind<>
>>>g++ does not have non-standard allocator<>::max_size argument
>>>g++ has stl containers supporting allocator objects
>>>g++ has header cstddef
>>>g++ requires template friends to use <>
>>>g++ supports member templates
>>>g++ has standard template specialization syntax
>>>g++ has argument dependent lookup
>>>g++ has struct stat with st_mtim member
>>>g++ has ANSI for scoping
>>>gmake: `cmake' is up to date.
>>>loading initial cache file /mnt/work/cmake-2.2.2/Bootstrap.cmk/InitialCacheFlags.cmake
>>>-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
>>>-- Using Buildname: Linux-g++
>>>CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
>>>and cmake can not find them.
>>>Please set the following variables:
>>>-- Configuring done
>>>Error when bootstrapping CMake:
>>>Problem while running initial CMake
>>>[frm at Linux cmake-2.2.2]$
>>>So, even with the init file, I get exactly the same error... what can I do ?
>>>Francesco Montorsi
>>>CMake mailing list
>>>CMake at cmake.org
># This is the CMakeCache file.
># For build in directory: /mnt/work/cmake-2.2.2
># You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
># If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
># If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
># The syntax for the file is as follows:
># KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.
># TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
># VALUE is the current value for the KEY.
># EXTERNAL cache entries
>//Build the documentation (Doxygen).
>//Build source documentation using doxygen
>//Build the testing tree.
>//Path to a program.
>//For backwards compatibility, what version of CMake commands and
>// syntax should this version of CMake allow.
>//Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or
>// CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel.
>//Build wxWidgets dialog for CMake
>//C++ compiler
>//Flags used by the compiler during all build types.
>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>// files).
>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//C compiler
>//Flags for C compiler.
>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>// files).
>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//Install location for data (relative to prefix).
>//Install location for documentation (relative to prefix).
>//Flags used by the linker.
>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Path to a program.
>//Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories.
>//Path to a program.
>//Install location for man pages (relative to prefix).
>//Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules.
>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//Path to a program.
>//Regenerate YACC and LEXX files
>//Should the long tests be run (such as Bootstrap).
>//Flags used by the linker during the creation of dll's.
>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//If set, runtime paths are not added when using shared libraries.
>//If true, cmake will use relative paths in makefiles and projects.
>//If this value is on, makefiles will be generated without the
>// .SILENT directive, and all commands will be echoed to the console
>// during the make.  This is useful for debugging only. With Visual
>// Studio IDE projects all commands are done without /nologo.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Path to program used to compress files for transfer to the dart
>// server
>//Path to the coverage program that CTest uses for performing coverage
>// inspection
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Do libCurl testing
>//Where can the cur_colr library be found
>//What is the path where the file curses.h can be found
>//Where can one of the curses or ncurses libraries be found
>//Path to a program.
>//Options passed to the cvs update command.
>//Limit of reported errors, -1 reports all.
>//Limit of reported warnings, -1 reports all.
>//If you have Dart installed, where is it located?
>//MAximum time allowed before CTest will kill the test.
>//Show the actual output of the build, or if off show a . for each
>// 1024 bytes.
>//Should Dart server send email when build errors are found in
>// Continuous builds?
>//Where can the form library be found
>//Path to gunzip executable
>//Enable Unicode Support
>//Path to java command, used by the Dart server to create html.
>//Path to a program.
>//Path to a program.
>//Path to a program.
>//Where can the jni.h file be found
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Command used to build entire project from the command line.
>MAKECOMMAND:STRING=/usr/bin/gmake -i
>//Path to the memory checking command, used for memory error detection.
>//File that contains suppressions for the memory checker
>//What is the path where the file qt.h can be found
>//Path to a program.
>//Where can the qassistantclient library be found
>//Where can one of the qt, qt-334, qt-edu334, qt-mt, qt-mt334,
>// qt-mtnc334, qt-mtedu334, qt-mt230nc or qt-mtnc321 libraries
>// be found
>//Path to a program.
>//Where can the urandom file be found
>//Path to scp command, used by CTest for submitting results to
>// a Dart server
>//Name of the computer/site where compile is being run
>//Path to a program.
>//What is the path where the file X11/X.h can be found
>//Where can the X11 library be found
>//Where can the Xext library be found
>//What is the path where the file X11/Xlib.h can be found
>//What is the path where the file X11/Xutil.h can be found
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for target
># INTERNAL cache entries
>//Advanced flag for variable: BUILD_DOCUMENTATION
>//Advanced flag for variable: BUILD_DOXYGEN
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have include iostream
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_AR
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL
>//What is the target build tool cmake is generating for.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_BUILD_WX_DIALOG
>//This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt was created
>//Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Path to CMake executable.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND
>//Path to ctest program executable.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_COMPILER
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_DATA_DIR
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_DOC_DIR
>//Path to cache edit program executable.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_FULLPATH
>//Name of generator.
>//Have include sstream
>//Have function connect
>//Have function gethostbyname
>//Have library pthreads
>//Have library pthread
>//Have include pthread.h
>//Have function remove
>//Have function shmat
>//Start directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this
>// project
>//Have library ICE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MAN_DIR
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Does the compiler support ansi for scope.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_NO_ANSI_STREAM_HEADERS
>//Does the compiler support headers like iostream.
>//Does the compiler support std::.
>//number of local generators
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_RANLIB
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_REGENERATE_YACCLEX
>//Path to CMake installation.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_RUN_LONG_TESTS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//uname command
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Advanced flag for variable: COMPRESSIONCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: COVERAGE_COMMAND
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURL_TESTING
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURSES_EXTRA_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH
>//Advanced flag for variable: CURSES_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: CVSCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_BUILD_ERROR_REPORT_LIMIT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_BUILD_WARNING_REPORT_LIMIT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_ROOT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_VERBOSE_BUILD
>//Advanced flag for variable: DELIVER_CONTINUOUS_EMAIL
>//Path to an executable
>//Where to put the executables for CMake
>//Advanced flag for variable: FORM_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: GUNZIPCOMMAND
>//Have include HAVE_ALLOCA_H
>//Have include HAVE_ARPA_INET_H
>//Have symbol asprintf
>//Have include HAVE_ASSERT_H
>//Have symbol closesocket
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have include HAVE_DLFCN_H
>//Have library dl
>//Have include HAVE_FCNTL_H
>//Have include features.h
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have symbol geteuid
>//Have symbol gethostbyaddr
>//Have symbol gethostbyaddr_r
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have symbol gethostbyname
>//Have symbol gethostbyname_r
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have symbol getpass_r
>//Have symbol getpwuid
>//Have symbol gettimeofday
>//Curl test 
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have symbol gmtime_r
>//Have symbol inet_addr
>//Have symbol inet_ntoa
>//Have symbol inet_ntoa_r
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have symbol inet_pton
>//Have include HAVE_INTTYPES_H
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have includes HAVE_IO_H
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have library dl;
>//Have library socket;dl
>//Have library ucb;dl
>//Have library winmm;dl
>//Have library ws2_32;dl
>//Have include HAVE_LIMITS_H
>//Have symbol localtime_r
>//Curl test 
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have include HAVE_MALLOC_H
>//Have include HAVE_MEMORY_H
>//Have include HAVE_NETDB_H
>//Have include HAVE_NETINET_IN_H
>//Have include HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H
>//Have include HAVE_NET_IF_H
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have symbol perror
>//Have symbol poll
>//Curl test 
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have include HAVE_PWD_H
>//Have symbol select
>//Have symbol setgroups
>//Have include HAVE_SETJMP_H
>//Have symbol setvbuf
>//Have include HAVE_SGTTY_H
>//Have symbol sigaction
>//Have symbol siginterrupt
>//Have symbol signal
>//Have include HAVE_SIGNAL_H
>//Have symbol SIGALRM
>//Have symbol sigsetjmp
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have symbol socket
>//Have includes HAVE_SOCKIO_H
>//Curl test 
>//Curl test 
>//Have include HAVE_STDARG_H
>//Have include HAVE_STDDEF_H
>//Have include HAVE_STDINT_H
>//Have include HAVE_STDIO_H
>//Have include HAVE_STDLIB_H
>//Have symbol strcasecmp
>//Have symbol strcmpi
>//Have symbol strdup
>//Have symbol strerror_r
>//Have symbol strftime
>//Have symbol stricmp
>//Have include HAVE_STRINGS_H
>//Have include HAVE_STRING_H
>//Have symbol strlcat
>//Have symbol strncmpi
>//Have symbol strstr
>//Have symbol strtok_r
>//Have symbol strtoll
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_POLL_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_SOCKIO_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H
>//Have include HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H
>//Have symbol tcgetattr
>//Have symbol tcsetattr
>//Have include HAVE_TERMIOS_H
>//Have include HAVE_TERMIO_H
>//Have include HAVE_TIME_H
>//Have symbol uname
>//Advanced flag for variable: HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR
>//Have include HAVE_UNISTD_H
>//Have symbol utime
>//Have include HAVE_UTIME_H
>//Have include HAVE_WCHAR_H
>//Have includes HAVE_WINSOCK_H
>//Have includes HAVE_X509_H
>//Have symbol _strtoi64
>//Advanced flag for variable: JAVACOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: JAVA_ARCHIVE
>//Advanced flag for variable: JAVA_COMPILE
>//Advanced flag for variable: JAVA_RUNTIME
>//Whether char is signed.
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Path to an executable
>//Where to put the libraries for CMake
>//Advanced flag for variable: MAKECOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE
>//Have library c
>//Advanced flag for variable: QT_INCLUDE_DIR
>//Advanced flag for variable: QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE
>//Advanced flag for variable: QT_QASSISTANTCLIENT_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: QT_QT_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE
>//Advanced flag for variable: RANDOM_FILE
>//Curl test 
>//Advanced flag for variable: SCPCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: SITE
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//Curl test 
>//Advanced flag for variable: SVNCOMMAND
>//Curl test 
>//Have library /usr/X11R6/lib64/libX11.so;/usr/X11R6/lib64/libXext.so
>//Advanced flag for variable: X11_X11_INCLUDE_PATH
>//Advanced flag for variable: X11_X11_LIB
>//Advanced flag for variable: X11_Xext_LIB
>//Advanced flag for variable: X11_Xlib_INCLUDE_PATH
>//Advanced flag for variable: X11_Xutil_INCLUDE_PATH
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable

More information about the CMake mailing list