[CMake] FOREACH loop control variable scope bug

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Wed Jun 22 13:07:54 EDT 2005

hi all,

This behavior I think is a bug. This is another problem I have 
encounter in CMake with my apparent abuse while I am trying to get my 
project to work easily. Consider the following simplified example:

# top level CMakeLists.txt
SET(var "this is var")
	MESSAGE("var: ${var} LCV: ${LCV}")
ENDFOREACH(LCV one two three)

# foo dir CMakeLists.txt
MESSAGE("In Directory var: ${var} LCV: ${LCV}")

This produces the following output:

var: this is var LCV: one
In Directory var: this is var LCV:

I expected LCV to be defined in the subdirectory just like any other 
variable would have been. I realize this is can only happen with the 
new immediate execution of the ADD_SUBDIRECTORY command. It appear that 
there is some scoping issues with this variable.


Bradley Lowekamp
Management Systems Designers Contractor for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine
'blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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