[CMake] multithreaded runtime libraries with VS7

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Jan 25 08:03:37 EST 2005

Marco Petrone wrote:
> Dear All, I'm using CMake to generate projects for VS6 and VS7 for 
> compiling our software, and what I noticed today is the VS7 2003 
> generator is using by default the single threaded runtme libraries, 
> while VS6 one was using multithreaded ones. Is there a way to force this 
> code generation option?

Please submit this difference to the bug tracker:


so we don't forget about it.

In CMakeSetup turn on advanced cache values and look at the flags in 
(similarly for CMAKE_C_* variables).  These are the VC++ flags that 
control this link.  There may also be some CMAKE_*LINK* flags too.


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