[CMake] Dependencies

Chris Scharver scharver at evl.uic.edu
Wed Oct 20 14:24:27 EDT 2004

On Oct 20, 2004, at 10:13 AM, William A. Hoffman wrote:

> If Lib_A does not exist, i.e. the first time build, cmake makefiles 
> will
> jump over and build Lib_A.  But if you want it to always check, then
> you must run make from project_root.  Otherwise the make would be 
> jumping all over
> the place and check depend info too much.  All that being said, at 
> some point
> we are going to try not using recursive make, and having one big 
> makefile that
> drives everything, and all these issues may go away.

I'm having a similar problem with ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND. I have several 
models files in a directory parallel to my source code. I want to copy 
all model files into a models directory within the build destination. 
This parallel layout works well with libraries and executables, but I 
can't seem to get it to work for copying files. Does ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND 
track dependencies differently than TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES?
Here's the source layout:


The top-level CMakeLists.txt lists the models and src directories as 
SUBDIRS. The models should only be copied if the source target was 
built. Here's the relevant portion from models/CMakeLists.txt:

# Use GLOB to grab all the model files

# Copy each model file to the build directory.
     ARGS -E copy_if_different ${modelfile}

The generated Makefile doesn't contain anything for copying files. Is 
this due to the fact that the models directory cannot properly detect 
the dependency on the project_target specified in the src directory? Or 
does TARGET and POST_BUILD not work for Makefiles? If I instead use:

     ARGS -E copy ${modelfile}

I see the commands in the generated Makefiles, but they never execute. 
I'm always running make from the project root build directory.

Chris Scharver
Electronic Visualization Laboratory
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Ph: 312-996-3002   FAX: 312-413-7585

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