[CMake] Specifying target details - a question

pnewman pmnewman at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Oct 16 10:12:33 EDT 2004

Dear CMaker's

Brief problem description. I have a project which consists of multiple
executables and libraries. Currently I maintain VC6.7 and unix make files -
this is a pain and clearly CMake is the future. For various reasons the
shape of the directory structure needs to remain the same (regardless of
whether or not the structure is a good plan) after the introduction of the
CMake build system  - this is where I am hitting problems. The cut down
simplified structure looks like this (project is called MOOS)

  - AnApplication
  - MOOSBin

I want to the library built from the source in MOOSLib to be placed in
MOOSBin. I then want to build "AnApplication" and again, place the
executable in MOOSBin. I don't want XXX/debug/MOOSLib etc - simply
MOOS/MOOBin/lMOOS.lib etc. The question then is how do I specify exactly
where I want targets to be placed (relative to the project root) and exactly
what their name should be? I apologise if this is a dumb question but help
would be greatly appreciated....

very best


Dr Paul Newman
Oxford Robotics Research Group
Oxford University
email pnewman at robots.ox.ac.uk
tel : (+44) 01865 283148
Fax : (+44) 01865 80922
07786 261325 (mobile)


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