[Cmake] FIND_LIBRARY : question about name

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 09:47:03 -0400

ibiris at genius.org.br wrote:
> Hello folks,
> recently I tried to use FIND_LIBRARY to check if a library required to
> build  another library is already available or it has to be built first.
> The problem I have is that the name of the library is libx.a in cygwin but
> just x.lib on windows. Using just
> FIND_LIBRARY(varname NAMES x PATHS < bunch o' paths here> )
> works ok on windows but on cygwin it causes an error, since it cannot find
> the libx (instead of x). Can someone verify if I need to search for a
> different name in  cygwin / windows / Linux?  I would expect that 'x' marks
> the name that is used for linking so it should look for x.lib on windows
> and libx.a for linux/cygwin.
> Maybe I am missing something so your help would be greatfully appreciated.

CMake should be looking for the proper name on cygwin.  Please submit 
this as a bug report:

