[Cmake] beginner question

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon, 19 Apr 2004 09:48:19 -0400

Lucas Lorenzo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working with ITK. I'm adding some member functions to some classes 
> already existing so, what I'm doing is to make  a copy of the .h and 
> .txx files into my application directory and I'm performing the changes 
> onto these copied files.
> In particular, I'm working with a parent and a derived class. In my 
> application I'm including the .h file for the derived class and I'm 
> defining an object of the derived class.
> My problem is that changes in the .h file of the derived class seemed to 
> be taken into account by the compiler but when I make a change in the 
> parent class .h file nothing happens. It's like it is still looking at 
> the .h file in the ITK include directory (even though the path for my 
> copied .h files is been included).

The include path is probably finding the original version of the header 
file first.  Try adding


to your CMakeLists.txt file before the FIND_PACKAGE(ITK) and related 
lines.  This should fix the include directory ordering.
