[Cmake] Library path question

Amitha Perera perera at cs.rpi.edu
Fri Mar 21 19:20:46 EST 2003

On Fri 21 Mar 2003, Cody Batt wrote:
> This is another newbie question... I've set LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH to some 
> path we'll call LIB_DIR.   I've included LIB_DIR in LINK_DIRECTORIES.  
> This works just fine on Linux, but on Windows my library file is built 
> in LIB_DIR/Debug or LIB_DIR/Release depending on the active 
> configuration, so linking fails.  In the msvc project settings I can see 
> that LIB_DIR was included in the library path.  How can I get cmake to 
> put in the correct library path?  Thanks in advance,

With the newer versions (from 1.4 onwards), CMake keeps track of
dependency, a by-product of which is that is knows where it outputs
the libraries. That is, you don't (at least, shouldn't) need the
LINK_DIRECTORIES commands for libraries that CMake knows about (which
are generally the ones it built).


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