[Cmake] Make Clean

Zennard Sun zen at ll . mit . edu
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 15:49:10 -0400

Bill Hoffman,
    Thank you for your reply.  I was calling cmake in the wrong 
directory.  To build an out-of-source build, I now realize that you call 
cmake in the build directory and pass the source directory as an argument.

    On another note, I've noticed that people have already brought this 
issue up in April 2003, but I was wondering if you could elaborate more 
on the make clean command.  Is there a way to have cmake clean other 
custom files?  I have tried issuing an ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and used 
'clean' as the target and a combination of ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(clean ... ) 
and ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND but neither of them correctly add more lines to 
the CMake generated 'clean' target.   Thanks.

-Zennard Sun

Bill Hoffman wrote:

>Can you provide some more information?
>Those two files should be the same.
>Neither of them should produce in-source or out-of-source
>builds.  That is determined by how cmake is run on the files.