[Cmake] ADD_DEFINITION to a specific target

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Wed Apr 9 14:11:10 EDT 2003

Hi Marc,

Unfortunately it is a lot of work.

This is what you do. Create two subdirectories MyLib and MyLib_FOO. In
them set sources to be a list of sources with paths specified from
toplevel project directory:


then you do in MyLib:

ADD_LIBRARY(MyLib ${foo_SOURCE_DIR}/src/fic1.cxx

and in MyLib_FOO:

ADD_LIBRARY(MyLib_FOO ${foo_SOURCE_DIR}/src/fic1.cxx

While sources are still in the same directory ${foo_SOURCE_DIR}/src.

This will create separate object files and everything. Then you just put
whatever library specific things you want.


On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 13:40, Marc Traina wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I create several libraries from the same source files with 
> different compilation flags ?
> I would like to use a command like ADD_DEFINITIONS but specific to a 
> target, for instance TARGET_ADD_DEFINITIONS.
> *||*
> Example :
>     ADD_LIBRARY(MyLib   fic1.cxx   fic2.cxx)
>     ADD_LIBRARY(MyLib_FOO   fic1.cxx   fic2.cxx)
> automake manage that by prefixing the ".o" files by the name of the target.
>     ex : MyLib_FOO_fic1.o  and  MyLib_FOO_fic2.o
> and link that two files to create MyLib_FOO library.

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