[Cmake] Re: header files in .dsps

hvanderpool at xn-tech.com hvanderpool at xn-tech.com
Tue Apr 1 11:21:41 EST 2003

Hello all.  I've been enjoying getting to know CMake for the last couple of
weeks.  It is a terrific tool.
Perhaps I can help on this question and save the gurus some work..

Your code snippet, Ingmar was

I believe that AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY only adds .cpp and .c files to the list
variable SRC_TBASE.
Since I wanted the header files included in the .dsp for easy access
through VC60, I added them explicitly with:

SET (SRC_TABLE foo.cpp foo.h bar.cpp bar.h)

Kind of a nuisance but it works, perhaps there is an easier way.

I'm sure you could also do the following now that I see the typing that can
be saved.

SET (SRC_TBASE "${SRC_TBASE} foo.h bar.h")

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