[Cmake] Building with VC++

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Mon Sep 30 14:57:35 EDT 2002

OK, I have added a zip file with the binary here:

Windows (zip file, for non-administrator install): CMake1.4.5-x86-win.zip. 

If you unzip this file in any directory and run CMakeSetup.exe from
the bin directory it should work.   This should not require admin
for installation.


At 02:05 PM 9/30/2002 -0400, Bill Hoffman wrote:
>To build cmake on windows, you need to install the binary.
>Why do they require admin passwords?
>At 12:22 PM 9/30/2002 -0500, Chris Scharver wrote:
>>I am trying to build both CMake and VTK on Windows 2000 with VC++ 6. I would use the binaries, but those require administrator passwords and that's a hassle. However, the source download for CMake does not include .dsp project files. As a result, I cannot build anything. I tried to update from CVS, but the required files were missing from there as well. They don't seem to be in the .zip archive either. Is the distribution just missing the files? Or am I just forgetting to do something?
>>Chris Scharver
>>Electronic Visualization Laboratory
>>The University of Illinois at Chicago
>>Ph: 312-996-3002   FAX: 312-413-7585
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