AW: [Cmake] CMake-1.4.5: intermediate files directory (Borland Makefiles)

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at
Tue Oct 22 10:42:59 EDT 2002

Well, the way to do this in cmake, is to create different out of source build
trees.  make Debug is not that easy to implement, and I don't think it is as
clean an interface.


At 04:37 PM 10/22/2002 +0200, Stefan Kowski wrote:
>> If you are using a command line make, how would you specify what you
>wanted to build?
>> make Debug?
>Yes, exactly :-)!
>When I build a target, I want to specify the target (the library or
>executable) and a configuration (i.e. compiler flags and #defines). The
>Debug and Release configurations are the most simple ones, but often I need
>additional #defines for some file groups (my 'problem' is that I use most of
>the code on multiple platforms [C++ Builder, Visual C++ und gcc on Linux])
>and I have platform-dependend file groups (same interface, multiple
>The IDE of MSVC is too error-prone in specifying different configurations
>(and I do not have it to compile on Linux), so I write most makefiles by
>hand. Therefore I am looking for a better build system that can handle
>multiple configurations/platforms to avoid accidentially mixing up
>My Makefile solution is to define an intermediate directory (depending on
>the configuration) and cd into it. I do not know if this is an option for
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