[Cmake] Nearly there...

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Wed May 30 15:57:07 EDT 2001

Ok, thanks so far.

Now...I have the cache displayed and I edit the entry for vtk_wrap_tcl from 
off to on...
Of course, now I need to reload the contents of cmakelists.txt because 
there are new options such as vtk_wrap_hints, tcl and tk directories....

so reload the gui from the cache and all is well.

But if I now edit vtk_wrap_tcl to off again, then reread cmakelists.txt and 
reset the gui, all the vtk_wrap_hints tcl, tk etc etc options are still 

where and how do I flush these values out in between reads and stuff...?(I 
realise they don't much matter because they will not be used, but the fact 
that they are there indicates I've done something wrong)

Also, is it OK to only call makefile.generatemakefile ONCE and at the end 
of all editing, or can it also change values in the cache etc etc?


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